Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hello all!!

Well the last couple days have been decent. Yesterday was a 1000 cal day, but it wasn't good food. All I had was a hotdog (no bun) and some ice cream from work. With the large portions I just went ahead and rounded up.

Today, however, is going fantastically! I've had a cup of coffee (5) half a VitaminWater10 (5) and a perfect serving size of nachos (13 chips) and salsa (2.5 tbs) a total of 175 cals. So I'm sitting right now at 12:45 at 185 cals. I plan on having some canteloupe for snack (if I get the munchies) and then I'm making some stirfry for dinner for D and myself (I'm estimating around 500 cals because of sauce and chicken) I think I'll be staying under 800 today. Just enough to restrict with out the hubby getting "concerned" lol. I am going to the gym a little later this afternoon as well so if I have anything to say about it I may just end up with a zeroed out intake today. :)

Anyways, I'm off to do some cleaning and some veging out before I go kick my ass at the gym! Laters for now!

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