Monday, June 7, 2010

This weekend was intersting.

The dinner I went to on Saturday night, ended up being a F***ing FOUR COURSE meal!! bleh! I made sure to only eat little bits of the food so I wouldn't offend the hostess but stay away from eating. Then last night I went to the telethon for the local children's hospital for work (we were presenting our check) and then my bf's boss took us out for the Keg...I still feel sick from last night. I ordered a really small steak with a salad instead of potatoes and nibbled on that...but people were commenting that I wasn't eating and watching I tried to eat more...BIG MISTAKE. I wanted to purge SO bad when i got home but the apartment is tiny and you can hear everything that happens in there. So I took 2 lax before I went to bed and I had a huge BM this morning. It made me feel a little better for last night...but I'm doing double time at the gym tonight.

Cardio Cardio Cardio.

I'm also starting circuits too. Squats, curnches, dips, pushups, leg lifts. Pretty all inclusive :)

So today, I'm finding it really hard to eat (not a bad thing) I guess because I'm so disgusted with myself everything tastes disgusting. I couldn't even drink my tea this morning!

Anyways I have to get on with work but I'll try to update later.

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