Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hello lovelies.

I have just been awarded my very first award ever! This is from the lovely RaeLynn!! Thank you sooooooooo much!!!

The Rules:

1. Thank the person who loved you enough to bestow this gift
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Bestow this honour onto 10 newly discovered or followed bloggers– in no particular order– who are fantastic in some way.
4. Drop by and let your ten new friends know you admire them
7 Things about Moi:
1) I dream a lot. I don't mean the odd day dream...I mean I get lost in my thoughts where I almost have my own world where I escape to. I dream of things and scenarios of my life if my job was better, I had more money, how I would go back and do things differently if I could. D says I get lost in my thoughts too often and that's where I go. It's always good there.
2) I am a HUGE nerd/geek or whatever you want to call it. I play video games, I read comic books and my EXTREMELY guilty pleasure I read manga and follow anime series religiously. People are surprised when they find out how much of a nerd I am.
3) My emotions are very visibly worn on my sleve. It's been like this my entire life. People know when I'm happy or if something's bothering me or if I'm upset etc. I've never been able to really hide it. I've sometimes successfully brushed things off but people always know.
4) I regret my University degree. Music seemed really fun and thrilling in high school but now I know I have nothing from my education to bring to the working world. I'm not some virtuoso, and I don't want to be a teacher. So my degree is crap, I wish I had taken something different and practical. I think things would be different (see back to #1).
5) I get jealous easily of people who are more successful than I am. I don't hold it against them but I try to use the jealousy as motivation.
6) My dream job would be to work PR for a major magazine or for a fashion house. During my PR + communications certificate I would check the LVMH website for internships and job postings. The biggest thing in my way was that I wasn't an American citizen and no previous experience. I still check back there from time to time to see if I get lucky.
7) I have a crazy ecclectic taste in music. If you check my iTunes library, you will see at least one song from almost every single genre/class of music. I have bubblegum pop from the 80s and 90s, hair metal, hard rock, nu metal, R&B, hip hop, rap, euro pop, classical (medieval, renaissance, romantic, early 20th century), choral, opera, indie, ska...and the list keeps going...
Ok this will be a hard one. 10 lovely bloggers that deserve this award (in no particular order):
Moonlight misstress - ...A Better Part Of Me
Empty Shell - Blacklisted (previously of Daring Destruction)
Kandie - Esoteric Thin
Eileenstein - Jeans vs. Genes
K - skinny
Thin_Envy - Thin, Love & Other Sacrifices
Miss Muffet - things you will not see
Kat not Jas - Skinny Love

These last 2 have been nominated already but they still deserve mention time and time again:

FedUp - Numbers Game
Harlow B - Staying Thin ~ Thinking Out Loud


  1. Aww..thanks for the mention and thanks for sharing! I am with you on #5. I do get jealous of others who are more successful and have more. It used to depress me and now I'm ok with it since I'm happier in my own life then I was.

  2. Thank you for the nomination, it's always nice to get an award :) I will do the post sometime in the next week.

    I feel the same as you in regards to #4, I didn't take music, but social sciences and although I enjoyed the degree I regret not taking soemthing practical.

    Thanks for sharing!

    ~ H

  3. wow, and I thought my iTunes library was varied! haha I only have half of the genres you listed in #7! glad to pass on the lovin', you totally deserve it! <3RaeLynn

  4. I love seeing these type of posts from bloggers! I adore your answers, & love #7 the most I think! :)

  5. "2) I am a HUGE nerd/geek or whatever you want to call it. I play video games, I read comic books and my EXTREMELY guilty pleasure I read manga and follow anime series religiously. People are surprised when they find out how much of a nerd I am."

    ME TOO!!

    My fave anime/manga is Inuyasha...ever watch/read it? If not, then you awesomeness.

    Thanks for the award! I've gotten it from a few other ppl so you can see my responses on my blog!!

    Much love,
