Friday, March 18, 2011

Hello my lovelies!!

So I am officially 100% at 135. I've weighed in the last 6 days at 135 in the mornings. I say that's some pretty good damned progress.

Things have been pretty mediocre for me this past week. Work still sucks, and money is still tight (I paid 250 in bills today and have less than 250 left for the next 2 weeks).

I'm having my grandparents over for dinner for the first time on Sunday. I have to buy the meat and veggies to serve, so I'll be seeing the rest of my pay cheque disappear by the end of the weekend. Joy.

Anyways, I'm managing to stay within my calorie counts (which is awesome) and I've discovered I really look forward to my 500 days because they are like treats. I get to splurge a little bit on those days and enjoy little treats here and there.

The weather is really starting to warm up so I'm going to start my walks more regularily. Perhaps, I will walk to the grocery store tomorrow after work.

Sorry for the short little post but things are pretty much uneventful and are staying at the status quo at the moment.

Anyways, time to get ready for work!!


  1. cheers for better weather. it's warming up here, too, so running is a little easier now. 135 is great. cheering for you. stay strong, babygirl.

  2. YAY for 135! you and I are right around the same numbers, but after tomorrow's weigh-in, you'll probably be a lot lighter! that's awesome about staying within your counts, and having warm weather and more walks! things are looking up! <3RaeLynn
